Rooted Iterator
Iterator that knows its container.
Rooted Iterator
Concept Definition
Required Metafunctions
DifferenceType of an object that stores the difference between two iterators. (Iterator)
GetValueType for reading values. (Iterator)
ReferenceReference type. (Iterator)
SizeType of an object that is suitable to hold size information. (Iterator)
ValueType of the items in the container. (Iterator)
Required Functions
assignAssigns one object to another object. (Iterator)
assignValueAssigns value to item. (Iterator)
containerContainer of an iterator.
getValueAccess to the value. (Iterator)
goNextIterates to next position. (Iterator)
moveValueAssigns value to item. (Iterator)
positionPosition of an iterator.
valueReference to the value. (Iterator)
assignValueAssigns value to item. (Iterator)
atBeginDetermines whether an iterator is at the beginning position. (Iterator)
atEndDetermines whether an iterator is at the end position. (Iterator)
findSearch for a Pattern in a Finder object.
getValueAccess to the value. (Iterator)
goBeginIterates to the first position of a container. (Iterator)
goEndIterates to the first position of a container. (Iterator)
goFurtherIterates some steps further. (Iterator)
goNextIterates to next position. (Iterator)
goPreviousIterates to pevious position. (Iterator)
moveValueAssigns value to item. (Iterator)
positionPosition of an iterator. (Iterator)
valueReference to the value. (Iterator)
CharIteratorIterator for CharString.
Dna5IteratorIterator for Dna5String.
DnaIteratorIterator for DnaString.
IupacIteratorIterator for IupacString.
PeptideIteratorIterator for Peptide.
UnicodeIteratorIterator for UnicodeString.
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